`Halloween Plans~

My Halloween plans are to just go with whomever wants me to go trick or treating with.
I know very well i am too old but most of my friends just want the candy.

I encourage my friends to have a safe and fun  Halloween.
Just go where ever and look both ways when you cross a road.
Oh and i know its hard but check the candy before you eat it :P

Demonstrate Perseverance


The reason why it's important to struggle through adversity.
Even if something you beieve in is different from someone else.
Or if you feel you dont blend in its okay.
Never give and always stick to what you feel.
If you like something that someone else doesnt like you shouldnt care.
being yourself is something that makes each and every one of us different.
people always wish to change but did you know?
the way i see it we are alays based on what we DONT change,
our flaws are what make us who we are.
In the end flaws arent really flaws at all.
its just the thing that sets us apart from each other.
so we should all love what makes us different and appreciate our flaws.
I may have gotten off subject somewhere along the way.


Web Definition:
having the power of producing; generative; creative: a productive effort.
It's not the most important things I've done  but it is the most productive, 
time consuming thing I've done and  I enjoyed doing it, I'm pretty sure I am still doing this to today.
Any free time I have I watch anime. I know have a HUGE list of all the ones 
I've watched and ones I'm  still watching and yet need to watch.
I keep everything tracked in  that list.
It keeps me busy and I learn many things from watching so many.
Anime is my own escape to reality.
It teaches me lessons in life and the stories animated are priceless. 
That is the most productive thing I've done in my life.
I was and am so dedicated to it.

HH#7 `Time Management~ (Following your made plans)

It says "Setting personal goals wisely, you get a sense of achievement, sustain motivation, and reduce stress."
I should and probably will incorporate this into my own life.
It is great advice, and if it works that would be better.
I always had a problem setting academic goals and never finishing them.
This might be a new start.

A time management tip of mine?
I dont really have one since I continue to be late for things and is always off schedule.
But one that I would use is: Dont be too early, and Dont be too late.
(this is my own thinking)
When youre really early for something when you ususally dont like being really early,
You tend to be late the next time.
Since you didnt enjoy being early the last time you wake up later or something and you tend to take your time more. (like i said this might only apply to me, but still)
Now when your too late, some people might be frustrated and come early the next time.
But some might get used to being late.
And maybe come late again, just not So late.

It's not a good time management tip but it's a decent one.

All my plans usually arent academic.
They're based off of things I just want in the future.
So one of my plans are to live in japan for at least 4-7years when I get older.
Or another is, To work as a baker at some point in my life.
None of my plans are really short term like:
"learn 5 new things in environmental science" or
"understand the religion of islam better."
I'll probably learn those along the way anyway.
Most of my plans or goals are long term and take certain thing to reach them.

To fullfill my plans for japan,
I already want to speak fluent japanese and I am getting there pretty fast.
Plus I'll need to figure out how much a certain amount of currency tranlates to ours.
My reading skills and other things will need to be worked on.

As the baker thing, one: I need to learn how to bake.
and I'm not sure what else I'll need.
Thats about it.

`2nd Quarter~

I am looking forward to better grades and better things from every class.
To continue a tight friendship with all of my friends.
I still want to try changing my attitude towards school itself.
I also wish and look forward to better projets and fun memories.

Well I'd couldn't find one that fit me well.
I was trying o find some anime girl wit a fake smile on her face.
I would've chose that because it's actually very rare to see me smile for real.
But smiling so others won't worry.
Just keeping up the same image everyday.
Maybe  Tree would be a nice symbol also.
Being still and shading the passerby.